Laser Surgery in Kolkata

People have many unwanted things in the body which they want to remove i.e. tattoo, birthmark removal or hair removal. It is done with the help of the laser beam without any cut marks. It focuses on a very small part. The laser heats the cells in the area to be treated until it bursts. Laser treatment in Kolkata is famous for removal of the tattoo, hair removal and birthmark at a very affordable price.

Types of laser treatment are as follows:

1. Non-ablative laser

In this technique, the body part is heated and the top skin tissue is removed by laser. It stimulates collagen growth and tightens the underlying skin to improve the skin tone. It also removes fine lines and mild to moderate skin damage.

2. Pulsed dye laser

In this technique the blood vessels are targeted directly to shrink them, making the skin less red. It feels like a rubber band snap and also can be used in any part of the face or body. It requires 3-5 sessions of treatment. The recovery time is just 2-3 hours during which the pinkness and the redness fade.

3. Alexandrite laser

In this technique, the wavelength of high-energy light is converted to heat energy. The specified targeted area is damaged. This laser uses the process of photosynthesis which converts light to heat a selected area for destruction. Alexandrite lasers cause very accurate tissue destruction and also leave the surrounding undamaged.

4. Light-based treatment

This technique is also used for skin treatment. Though they are not exactly laser treatments. But similar in terms of procedure and results.

Results and recovery after the treatment:

Results and recovery generally depend on the technique used for the treatment. Mild treatment or low laser treatment generally takes 5-7 days to recover. High power laser treatment takes a longer period of time to recover. The skin will go through different stages of redness, oozing or peeling for a week. After that, the skin will remain pink for a few weeks then slowly the skin will recover.

Scar Management in Kolkata

The scar is a major problem faced by many individuals due to accidents, disease, or surgery. Skin is a smooth organ like a piece of cloth. A small tear in your skin will make a huge difference in your body which will leave a bad impact on a patient’s mental health. Scar management in Kolkata has satisfied their clients with proper treatment and by using proper equipment and also technique. Scar management in Kolkata provides services at affordable prices.

Different types of scars:

1. Keloids scars

These scares are the outcome of an aggressive healing process. They extend beyond the original injury. Over time, a keloid scar may hamper movement. To remove keloid scar surgery is to be done by injecting steroid injection, or a silicone sheet to flatten the scar. Smaller keloids are done by using cryotherapy (using liquid nitrogen). These scars can be removed by using pressure treatment or gel pads with silicone when you are injured. This keloid is most common among people with dark skin.

2. Contracture scars

These scars take place when the skin has been burned; these scars tighten the skin which can weaken your ability to work. These scars may also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves.

3. Hypertrophic scars

These scars are raised, red scars which are similar to keloids but do not go beyond the boundary of the injury. These scars can be treated by injecting steroid injections to reduce inflammation or silicone sheets, which also flatter the scar.

4. Acne scars

If you have serious acne, you probably have the scars to prove it. There are many types of acne scars, ranging from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance. The treatment also depends on the type of acne scar you have.

The final result of your scar surgery will be a long-lasting process. The recovery generally takes several months to get the final results and in some cases, it may take a year for the new scar to fully heal and fade.

Sex Change Surgery in Kolkata

Sex change surgery is different from any other surgery. It takes a lot of courage for this particular surgery. Sex change surgery can affect an individual mentally and physically. This surgery is a major and also bold step taken by the patient. Sex change surgery in Kolkata has done many successful treatments with experienced surgeons. Sex change surgery in Kolkata gives the best treatment and also at affordable prices.

The procedure for sex change surgery is as follows:

Form male to female

In this surgery the procedure involves the removal of the penis, reshaping tissues, and using skin grafts to construct a vagina. Other procedures like breast implants, buttock augmentation, and facial feminization can be carried out for the transitioning process. The procedure takes 2-3 hours to complete.

From female to male

This surgery, procedure involves two main types of procedures- phalloplasty and metoidioplasty. Phalloplasty involves a tissue graft from the arm and abdomen to construct a penis. The labia majora is joined to make the scrotal sac and the urethra is connected to the penis. Metoidioplasty involves the consumption of hormones to increase the size of the clitoris and thus construct a penis. The procedure takes 8-10 hours to complete.

Recovery at home after the procedure:

  • The patient should get plenty of rest for the first two months after the surgery and also stay away from stress and physical work.
  • Do not lift any heavy objects. Do light activities after the procedure.
  • Regular works are preferable works especially within the first two months after surgery.
  • A normal return to work is recommended, such as light work or less work.
  • It generally takes 2-3 months to get back to normal work and get not the final but a satisfactory result of the surgery.

Male Genital Surgery in Kolkata

In this procedure, the main focus is on the enlargement of the penis and tightening of the sagging scrotum due to the aging process. Men seek penile enlargement for both physical and psychological satisfaction. Most patients who want to undergo penile enlargement surgery have the desire to not only feel confident but also arise from insecurities about their penile size. There has been a sudden increase in the number of men pursuing male genital surgery in Kolkata. The male genital surgery in Kolkata is different from other surgeries but is done at affordable prices with well-experienced doctors in the city.

Different types of male genital surgery

1. Penile enlargement

It is the technique for the enlargement or increasing the size of the penis. In this, the ligament is released for a width of one finger breadth along the length of the public symphysis by incising directly on the periosteum in the mid-line.  This procedure generally focuses on the penile shaft, scrotal enlargement, or glans.

2. Penile girth enlargement

In this procedure, autologous fat injection is injected into the dartos fascia are used to increase the penile girth. The procedure generally focuses on improving the appearance of the penis.

Female Genital Surgery

Female genital surgery surrounds a various range of surgical procedures in which the shape or design of vaginal appearance is repaired. Cosmetic surgery is done to reduce enlargement and tighten certain parts of the vagina. Kaayakalp is one of the best clinics for female genital surgery in Kolkata as it provides the best service at an affordable price. Dr. Vikram Singh Rathore is one of the best surgeons for female genital surgery with a high degree of knowledge and experience.

Types of female genital surgery are as given:

1. Labiaplasty

In this surgical procedure, the inner lips of the vagina are reduced in size, known as labia minora. This patient is provided with local anesthesia. During the procedure, a surgeon will remove the small part from the labia minora. And uses a local tissue flap to repair the wound that is created. The recovery after the procedure can be seen within two weeks. And also the final result will be within six weeks after the procedure.

2. Vaginal tightening

Some women find that their vagina has loosened due to some major sexual dysfunction. So the vagina can be tightened with the aim of restoring the genital area through cosmetic surgery. In this procedure the outer lips of the vagina are too small, the surgeons augment this area by fat transfer by injecting fats into the labia. The recovery will take 2-3 weeks and also the final result will be within 6-7 weeks after the procedure.

Body Contouring in Kolkata

In this modern era everyone want a flexible, slim body which gives the body good shape and provides a individual self confidence. Surgical body contouring helps in removing excess sagging skin and fat while improving the shape of the underlying tissue. This treatment can be done in different part of the body such as arm lift, breast lift, face lift, lower body lifts, median thigh lift and tummy tuck. Body contouring in Kolkata has done many successful treatments which help the clients to get their body in proper shape and posture.

The procedure of body contouring:

1. Anesthesia

The surgeon will provide you with general anesthesia or intravenous sedation for your comfort.

2. The incision

All body countering procedures requires a large incision to remove excess skin from the body. Incision length depends on the amount and also location from where the excess skin has to be removed. Body contouring is basically performed in stages. It generally takes time to get the final outcome.

Different types of body contouring:

1. Arm lift

An arm lift, or brachioplasty is a surgical process where excess sagging is removed and then the skin is tightened and smooths the underlying supportive tissue that gives the shape of the upper arm.

2. Breast lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy, helps in removing excess skin and also tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and resize the breast contour.

3. Facelift

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical process that improves visible signs of aging in the face and also neck.

4. Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck surgery also known as abdominoplasty helps in removing excess fat and skin or in some cases restores and separates muscles creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.

5. Lower body lifts

A body lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat. Excess sagging skin and fat are removed and also can improve a irregular skin surface.

Male Breast Correction in Kolkata

Male best correction also known as gynecomastia is this process where men’s breast size is reduced, flattering, and increases chest contour. It can happen at any stage of life. Breast enlargement in men can cause emotions and decrease self-confidence in men. Just a doorstep and the facility of male breast correction treatment is in Kolkata which provides the services at best and most affordable prices. Male breast correction in Kolkata has experienced doctors and also provides you with the best equipment and techniques.

Procedure for male breast correction:

1. Anesthesia

Medications and general anesthesia are provided during the surgical procedure.

2. Liposuction technique

During the treatment where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, the liposuction technique is only used. The process requires the insertion of a cannula, a thin hollow tube, through several small incisions. The cannula is moved in a controlled motion to loosen the excess fat.

3. Excision technique

The technique is used when glandular breast tissue or excess skin must be removed to correct gynecomastia. Excision is necessary if the areola will be reduced or the nipple is repositioned to a natural male contour.

Results and recovery after the procedure:

Immediately after the procedure, you’ll be bandaged and also given a compression garment to help minimize swelling and support your new chest contour. Gynecomastia surgery has a relatively gentle recovery period. After the surgery, the first three days will be painful but can be controlled by medication and painkillers. In some cases, people experience temporary loss of sensation in the treated area but it is restored over a few weeks of time. 

You will notice a more contoured chest profile immediately after the procedure is completed. The treated area will slowly improve the swelling subsides. The final result will be there within three to six months of surgery. The surgery will be permanent as long as you maintain stable body weight and avoid using any steroids or any other different kinds of medicines.

Abdominoplasty in Kolkata

Abdominoplasty is a process where excess fat and skin are removed from the abdomen area or the tummy tuck. It restores weakened muscles to create a smoother abdominal profile. Abdominoplasty treatment in Kolkata is best as it uses the best equipment and techniques during the process.

Procedure for abdominoplasty treatment:

  • Medication or general anesthesia is given before the surgical procedure for the comfort of the patient.
  • The abdomen requires a horizontally oriented incision in the area between the public hairline and the belly button. The shape and length will decide the amount of skin that must be removed. Once the abdominal skin is lifted, the underlying weakened abdominal muscles are repaired.
  • A second incision around the navel may be necessary to recover the excess skin in the upper abdomen. The upper abdominal skin is pulled down like a window shade. A new opening is created.
  • After that, the incision is closed with the help of tapes or clips.

Types of abdominoplasty surgeries:

  • Complete abdominoplasty: in this process, the surgeon cuts the abdomen from the hip bone. He then contours the skin, muscle, and tissues required.
  • Partial or mini abdominoplasty: In this technique, the patient is provided with local or general anesthesia with sedation depending upon the amount of fat and skin removed from the body. During the procedure, a small cut is made above the public area. The skin is removed from the naval to remove fat and also tighten the muscle in the lower abdomen.
  • In recovery from a partial abdominoplasty procedure, the patient can return home on the same day after a few hours of monitoring. The recovery period is shorter than the complete abdominoplasty procedure.

Breast Cosmetic Surgery in Kolkata

Breast surgery is also called breast augmentation or mammoplasty. In this procedure, the fat from different parts of the body is used to increase the size of the breast.  Breast surgery can improve the fullness and projection of the breast. Breast cosmetic surgery in Kolkata has many cosmetic clinics but kaayakalp is one of the best cosmetic clinics in Kolkata.

The procedure for breast cosmetic surgery is as given:

  • The patient is provided with general anesthesia for comfort during the surgical procedure.
  • The incision is made in such an area to minimize visible scarring. Incision options include along the areolar edge of the fold under the breast or the armpit. The incision also depends on the type of breast implant, the area of enlargement desired, and patient-surgeon preference.
  • After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle. The method also depends on the type of implant, degree of enlargement, and also your body type.
  • After that, the incision is closed with sutures, skin adhesive, or tape to close the breast tissue. After a few weeks, the incision line will fade and then the result of breast augmentation are visible. The final results may take a few weeks as the swelling subsides. 

Facial Surgery in Kolkata

The most important part is our facial expression which helps us to communicate with each other. Our facial expression leaves an impact on how others identify us. Facial surgery is a surgery that is specially done to reconstruct the defective part of the face and body. It changes the look and feel of the face by using some medical technique or surgery process. Facial surgery in Kolkata has come through many such cases and also has a 100% track record of successful surgeries

Different types of facial surgeries:

Face life

Face-lift surgery is a procedure that lifts and firms sagging facial tissues and gives a more natural facial appearance. By removing excess sagging skin the skin looks smoother and after that, the skin is lifted and then the skin is tightened by deep facial tissues, a face-lift surgery can make the patient look younger and better.


In this process the surgery is done to improve the size, shape, and symmetry of a person’s nose, bringing it into a better position with the rest of the face.

Neck contouring

In this procedure, the neck and chin are refined to achieve a firmer and smoother shape of the neck and chin. Even having no changes in the face a patient can improve a thick wrinkled and sagging neck. Neck contouring can also help to restore balance to facial features by providing a better jawline that gives proper shape to the face.

Brow lift

A brow lift is also called a forehead lift, it reshapes the face above the eyes by removing excess sagging, skin on the forehead. And also repositioning the underlying muscles and tissues. A brow lift helps to correct and gives smoother skin in the upper part of the face.

Eyelid lift

An eyelid lift is a procedure that helps in removing excess skin. And fat from the upper or lower part of the eyes.