What is Gender Reassignment? Learn how it changes lives
It is impossible to be born exactly who we want to be. While most of us decide to accept it, sometimes it becomes unbearable to do that. A person cannot choose his or her gender at birth, but they can choose what gender they identify with later in their life. Unfortunately, they cannot come out as their chosen gender because of their physicality. They think that society will not accept them. That is when they decide to undergo gender reassignment. What is Gender Reassignment? A person feels that their gender at birth is not something they can live with or accept, they can change their physicality to reflect their chosen identity through a series of medical processes, involving chemical and surgical means. In this new century of free will, this medical technique can improve millions of lives.
When we ask a doctor,“ What is Gender Reassignment?”, the first thing we’ll be explained is the condition called ‘gender dysphoria'. In this medical condition, the affected person disassociates himself or herself from their birth-assigned gender. Now, gender reassignment is a multi-step process. Since it involves the reassignment of such a fundamental physical property, it takes quite some time. And must be done very carefully, only by the most qualified surgeons and doctors. The time required for the actual reassignment to take place after the initial surgery is called the ‘transition’ period. As in transition from the birth gender to their chosen gender identity. During this period, hormone therapy is used to change the way the body functions. This phase may go on for years at a stretch. After the process, a Gender certificate is to be made to officially recognize their new gender. They are hereby recognized as transgender.
As said before, gender reassignment is a very delicate process and wrong treatment can not only fail the process but may be fatal as well. This is the reason why there are only certain clinics having doctors and surgeons qualified for this process. Kaayakalp is one such clinic that features the best doctors. It has the top plastic surgeons in Kolkata who use the best techniques to make the transition smooth and safe, preparing you for a new life and future ahead.
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