Know Before You Undergo Gynecomastia Cosmetic Surgery

Having an attractive appearance is a psychological urge. Do you have a sagging chest? Are you having low self-esteem or lacking self-confidence? If you are reading this post that means you are familiar with the term gynecomastia. Take one step further in understanding the whereabouts of Gynecomastia Cosmetic Surgery before you undergo the procedure to re-establish a strong and confident attitude. 

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is an effective treatment for reducing unwanted breast tissues. It is the most favored procedure by many men to get a Titan-look Body. The development of excessive breast tissue can occur at any stage of life. You can experience such bodily development in your adolescence, adulthood, or even during infancy. Let us shed some light on its cause, treatment, benefits, considerations, and aftercare.

Cause of Gynecomastia/ Male Breast

The enlargement of the chest area in a male body may cause by various reasons such as hormonal imbalance, obesity, genetic predisposition, or any underlying medication. 


Don't over-hype your expectations. Though Gynecomastia Cosmetic Surgery is the most effective treatment to get rid of weighing breast fat, it will take some time and some additional treatment or care before you get the desired look. There might be some swelling, scars, bruising, and some extra skin bag; all of these need some aftercare treatments to finally get you how you wish to look.

Treatment Options

The male breast reduction can be done in two ways:

1. Non-Surgical Approach:

a. Hormonal Therapy:

If you do not wish for any cuts on your body, yet want a tighten psychic, treat your hormonal imbalance. Medication advised by certified doctors can help you restore the hormonal balance and reduce breast tissue growth.

b. Change of Lifestyle and Dietary:

If your gynecomastia is caused by obesity, adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. Try to include rich-in-fiber fruits/veggies in your meal, detoxification drinks like lemon water, and dahi, and reduce meat consumption. With proper guided workout this non-surgical approach may help reduce excess fat and improve your overall appearance.
The only drawback is if you have a too fatty and saggy chest, considering cosmetic surgery becomes a must for the desired look.

2. Gynecomastia Cosmetic Surgery:

a. Liposuction:

Liposuction also known as lipectomy, or lipoplasty, eliminates fat from various parts of our body including the chest. A hollow tech named a cannula is inserted underneath your skin to suck out the excess fat deposits.

b. Excision:

This method is chosen to reduce glandular breast tissues or sagging skin. This procedure involves making an incision around the areola to remove the excess tissue and tighten the skin, resulting in a flatter and more masculine chest contour.

c. Combined Procedures:

Before you undergo cosmetic surgery there are some other aesthetic concerns you need to look into, such as repositioning of nipples, removal of excess skin, and reshaping the areola. Choosing a combined gynecomastia surgery, that is the above-mentioned two procedures along with other plastic surgery treatments will help you get the desired shape and contoured chest. Though only the surgeon will determine what is best for you.


  • Contoured body shape
  • Regained confidence
  • Restored psychological well-being


The recovery depends on the patient's immune system. Generally, it takes 3 weeks or so to get healed but it is necessary to follow up with the doctor and follow further instructions on time. No heavy lifting or traveling too much, stay hydrated, and stick to the prescribed diet. Stay put for the first 2 weeks of surgery. Say A BIG NO to sugar, alcohol, smoking, and steroids. You may take some spa after a month of surgery to tighten up the skin alongside treatments.

To Conclude Kaayakalp is one of the best and most trusted skin care clinics in Kolkata. With expert solicitors and advanced machinery, we treat the best of our ability with utmost care. Visit our website to know from the experienced and contact us with your concern. 

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