Is Eye Bag Surgery Safe?

Eyes are the most distinguishable feature on our face. As somebody has well said, “Eyes are the mirror to the soul”. Be it happiness or sorrow, they are the first to show it. But in today’s fast-paced, hectic life, rarely anybody has flawless eyes. This stress-packed and polluted environment has stolen the sheen from our eyes. And left us with dark circles, eye bags, droopy eyelids and what not. Eye bags make us look older, tired and often don’t go away with better sleep or diet. Fortunately, there are many ways to remove eye bags. An eye bag removal surgery is one of them. Here, we tell you about eye bag removal surgery. And hope to answer the question Is eye bag surgery safe?

What is Eye Bag Surgery?

Before answering the question Is eye bag surgery safe, we must understand what exactly an eye bag surgery is.

What is an Eye Bag?

Bags under the eyes are typical as one ages. With age, the tissues around the eyes, including the muscles that support the eyelids, weaken. This causes them to sag and have a droopy look. This also allows the fat that supports the eyes to move into the lower eyelids, causing them to appear puffy. Fluid may also accumulate in the space below the eyes, increasing the swelling.

What is Eye Bag Surgery?

Eye bag surgery, also called blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid, is a cosmetic procedure that helps tighten loose skin, remove excess fat and wrinkles of the lower eye area. Eye bag surgery makes the under eye brighter and smoother, creating a youthful look and improving the overall appearance of the face, without obvious signs of a surgery.

Is Eye Bag Surgery Safe?

The area around the eyes is more delicate than the face and other parts of the body. Thus, it requires high level of skill and expertise. As with most surgeries, the patient undergoes a thorough physical and medical examination prior to the surgery. The patients’ full medical history is fully assessed. Thus, eliminating any unprecedented risks. The doctors also provide detailed instructions on what to do and what not to do after the surgery. Therefore, eye bag surgery is safe and effective.

Side Effects of Eye Bag Surgery

  • Scarring or bruising which generally fades away in 10-14 days.
  • Dry eyes
  • Inability to close eyes if too much skin is removed. This almost never happens when surgery is performed by a trained professional.
  • Asymmetry in eyes.
  • Loss of vision or abnormal vision.
The above side effects can be majorly avoided if a highly skilled surgeon is consulted.

Why Kaayakalp?

Kaayakalp is the leading cosmetic and laser clinic in Kolkata. With well equipped labs and highly professional team, they are skilled in the procedure of eye bag surgery. The high degree of expertise, technique, and dedication of the team has elevated Kaayakalp to new heights in the arena of cosmetic surgeries. And Kaayakalp has become the best eyelid bag surgery in Kolkata. Visit us  for more information.