Facial Hair Transplant

Beard transplants have become most popular within the last 10 years. The “hipster” aesthetic, is now welcomed warmer than ever, from celebrities to small influencers, and everyone wants to keep up with this hype. Sadly, not everyone is born with the genes of luscious locks. Fortunately, beard hair transplants have come a long way and are now one of the most in-demand procedures in men’s cosmetic surgeries. We can review a few facts about facial hair transplant:
  • Facial hair transplants are not restricted to just beards

One can choose a goatee, a mustache, sideburns, or eyebrows–basically, any hair on your face is a fair contender. Facial hair transplants can also help cover acne scars and other facial blemishes. Beard hair transplants allow patients a fair share of control over the outcome. The shape and size can be discussed with the surgeon, before the surgery. Photo references are the most helpful.
  • The donor's hairs are taken from the scalp

Resembling traditional hair transplant surgery, the donor's hairs are taken from the back portion of the scalp or the sides. The donor area will be determined by which areas closely match the appearance of facial hair.
  • A four-hour procedure
The duration of the procedure depends on the facial hair the patient wants. For beards, surgeons should typically take 2 to 4 hours to finish. Beard transplant is an extremely delicate procedure–hair follicles are arranged and inserted deep into your skin. Rushing through the procedure causes a high risk of damage-patchy facial hair or an infection from poorly grafted transplants.
  • Transplanted hair fallout

Patients should expect a good amount of hair loss for about 4 weeks post-procedure. Known as “shock loss”, it is a normal part of the healing and also recovery process. Hairs will grow back in three months.
  • Gray will remain gray

If one has salt-and-pepper hair, the new beard will naturally be the same color. They are just the result of hair follicles that have stopped producing melanin. The surgeon must strategically transplant grey hair so the beard is not spotty and looks natural.
  • Bearded for life

Beard transplants are, for most parts, permanent. Just like regular facial hair, they re-grow when shaved or waxed off. While surgeons may be able to remove the grafts, there is no way of doing so without certain scarring. Lasering it away is an option, but that defeats the purpose of the transplant itself. Facial hair transplants are quite expensive but effective and last permanently. Here at KaayaKalp, safety is the primary concern. We are the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Kolkata. We aim to make customers feel good about themselves, and our professionals and also staff play a key role in providing this aspect.