Does Body Contouring Last?

First of all, what is body contouring? Body contouring or body sculpting is a surgical procedure that reshapes an area of the body. It does not help a person lose weight instead, addresses specific areas of the body where weight loss isn’t effective or has loose skin.

Dr. V.S. Rathore of Kaayakalp performs the best body contouring out there. Kaayakalp provides the best cosmetic surgeries in Kolkata. It is well-equipped with the newest technologies and tools.

A person can go through this process if he wishes to but does body contouring last for a long time?

Why Body Contouring?

Body contouring not only shapes the body but confidence too. Anybody who has gone through this surgery has not just changed their body but has also changed as a person. It has given them the courage to love their body.
Some people have given their utmost best in the bodyweight loss process by going through rigorous exercise, strict diets, and supplements but didn’t manage to shed that extra fat or loose skin. This is common for a lot of people. It’s often used on specific areas of the body when exercise or even diet isn’t making much of a difference.

Then some people cannot shed their fat in particular areas due to genetics or even hormonal imbalance. It becomes discouraging for a lot of people to not reach the kind of body they have always wanted.
It can also help in improving saggy or wrinkled skin that occurs with natural aging.

This process helps these people with serious problems to undergo surgery and get the body they have always desired.

Body contouring involves procedures that-

  • Get rid of extra or loose.
  • Eliminate excessive fat.
  • Reshape or contour the area.
  • Smoothen an area

Types of Body Contouring

There are numerous types of body contouring that a person can choose from according to their needs.

  • Facelift: Facelift or Rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure that fixes loose skin and excess fat of the neck that can appear as a double chin or “turkey neck” and fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth.
  • Tummy tuck: Tummy tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from around the abdomen.
  • Medical thigh lift: Thigh lift aims at removing excess skin and fat around the thigh. It results in well-proportioned contours and smoother skin of the thighs and lower body.
  • Breast lift: Breast lift surgery tightens the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.  A breast lift rejuvenates the figure with a breast profile that makes a woman look younger, fresh, and youthful.
  • Body lift- Body lift treats conditions of sagging fat and skin that are caused by the poor elasticity of tissue.

On What Body Parts Can Body Contouring Be Performed?

This can be performed on-

  • Abdomen
  • Bra and back fat
  • Arms
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Double chin
  • Under the buttocks

Does Body Contouring Hurt??

In recent years, advancement in technology has made this process safer, easier, and less painful.

At Kaayakalp, with our highly advanced tools and instruments, body contouring has become safer than ever. You need not think a lot about what might go wrong. The services here are guaranteed with a lot of tests and reviews from previous clients. Body contouring, in recent years, feels more like a spa treatment than going under the knives or needles!

Is Body Contouring Permanent?

This procedure shrinks the fat cells or removes loose and saggy skin from targeted areas. The cells are permanently killed and cannot grow back. However, an unhealthy diet or lack of exercise can bring back fat in those areas without a doubt.
This can last a very long time- 10 years or more since it is a permanent solution. It addresses many bodily concerns and one who goes through it needs to take care on a regular basis since it’s a medical surgery. It is a great option when one has already gone through every available option to lose that extra fat and they are still stubborn to shed.
Nonetheless, this is a one-time process and will get you your desired body shape in just a few sessions which shall last forever.

Who Can Go Through Body Contouring?

Potential candidates for surgical cosmetic treatments include patients in good health. The best people for any contouring treatment are those who can to commit to healthy lifestyle choices, diets and practices.
People can go through body contouring who wants to-

  • Correct skin laxity
  • Reduce unwanted fat
  • Have more body confidence
  • Slim overall shape
  • Lift and tighten skin
  • Smoothen skin
  • Find a shape that fits clothes better

In a nutshell, Kaayakalp can provide you with the confidence you’ve been looking for. It will give you the best services with numerous options and with a lot safety and precautions. There has been a greater increase in the number of women looking for body contouring in Kolkata. Dr.Vikram Singh Rathore and his highly expert team provide body contouring with skilled precision and the aid of the newest technology.

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