Lip Fillers vs. Lip Augmentation: What Is The Difference?

Lip fillers and lip augmentation are two cosmetic procedures that are performed to enhance the appearance of the lips. Both procedures involve adding volume and definition to the lips, but there are some differences between the two that are important to understand.

What Are the Two Categories?

Lip Fillers

Lip fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic procedure involving injecting a dermal filler into the lips. The fillers used in lip injections are typically made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that provides volume and hydration. The fillers are injected into specific areas of the lips, adding volume, shaping, and definition.

Lip fillers are temporary and typically last anywhere from six to twelve months. After this time, the filler will gradually dissolve, and the lips will return to their pre-treatment appearance. The results of lip fillers can be seen immediately after the procedure, and the injection process typically takes only a few minutes to complete.

Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves making incisions in the lips. And inserting an implant to add volume and definition. The implants used in lip augmentation are typically made from silicone and come in different shapes and sizes. They are inserted through a small incision in the lip and positioned in a way that provides the desired shape and volume.

Lip augmentation is a more permanent solution than lip fillers but also involves more downtime and recovery time. The procedure typically takes one to two hours to complete. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort for several days following the procedure.

Lip augmentation Vs Lip Fillers

The Main Differences to Know About

There are several differences between lip fillers and lip augmentation, including:

  • Duration: Lip fillers are a temporary solution that typically lasts between six and twelve months, while lip augmentation is a more permanent solution that provides longer-lasting results.
  • Procedure: Lip fillers are a non-surgical procedure involving injecting a filler into the lips. While lip augmentation involves making incisions and inserting an implant.
  • Recovery Time: Lip fillers typically require little to no downtime, while lip augmentation involves a more extended recovery period of several days to a week.
  • Cost: Lip fillers are typically less expensive than lip augmentation and may require fewer follow-up treatments.

What Are the Risks? 

Both treatments carry certain risks, including infection, scarring, and an adverse reaction to the filler or implant. However, the risks associated with lip augmentation are typically higher because it is a surgical procedure.

They both are cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the appearance of the lips. However, the two have several differences, including duration, procedure, recovery time, cost, and risks. When considering either procedure, you must speak with a licensed cosmetic professional to discuss the best option for your individual needs and goals.

Why Choose Kaayakalp?

Kaayakalp’s professional services focus on giving you the kind of care you need, depending on the appearance you are going for. Either of the treatments ensures you get the right look to boost your confidence. We have the best cosmetic surgeons working together to give you a thorough consultation and the follow-up treatment you need.

For booking an appointment, contact us today.