How to Get Rid of Acne During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a beautiful time for a woman. However, your skin and body undergoes several changes and not all of them are pleasant. But do not worry. There are some ways that helps you get rid of those pesky acne during pregnancy. Read this article to find out more about it.

How common is Acne during Pregnancy?

Before we discuss ways to get rid of pregnancy pimples, lets know a bit more about them. Pregnancy is when your hormonal balance is generally disrupted. An increase in hormones called androgens can cause the glands to swell. These swollen sebaceous glands secrete more sebum (natural skin oil). This leads to blocking of the pores by means of oily deposits. When excess sebum comes into contact with dead skin cells that are shed, they cause an acne breakout. As this oil combined with dirt is a breeding ground for otherwise dormant bacteria under the skin, this leads to inflamed and pimpled skin because of surges during pregnancy. Some pregnant women have acne appearing in their first trimester. Many women with adult acne see their skin become worse. Usually, the most typical regions where women find a problem are their face, chin, chest, breasts, forehead, back, and neck.

When does it start?

Acne can develop at any point during pregnancy. The risk of widespread acne is high in the third trimester. However, a great deal of women gets them during the initial months of pregnancy. This is the time when androgen hormone causes changes in a female body.

Causes of acne during pregnancy?

Wondering how acne is that it's caused during pregnancy? Well! The primary source of acne is hormonal imbalance, but there are other factors which contribute to it. Some causes make the situation worse while others can cause acnes for the first time. Some common causes of acne during pregnancy are:

1. Hormonal Changes - The female body begins to see the changes triggered by hormones called androgen during pregnancy along with estrogen and progesterone. His biggest change is the creation of too much sebum, or natural body oil that leads to blockage of pores and microbial infection. This can cause inflammation and pimples.

2. Medicinal Side-Effects - Some pregnancy medications may cause acne to worsen. These medications do have substitutes which are less likely to cause acne, so check with your physician.

3. Food Habits - The period of pregnancy tends to be a time of heightened cravings. Your diet might include fried, oily, sweet, processed, and other fatty foods. This leaves you vulnerable to acne.

4. Stress and Anxiety - Pregnancy is a ride that takes you through a wide range of sensations, from exhilaration to anxiety. Emotions like fear, happiness, or anxiety may cause some tweaks in your hormonal balance, causing pregnancy pimples.

How to get rid of acne during pregnancy?

Although no pimple cure is effective at all times, it may still help to alleviate the intensity of the symptoms and prevent further growth. Your physician may give you further tips. However, some effective tips to cure pregnancy acnes are given below:

1. Washing Your Face - Dermatologists recommend washing your face using a cleanser that will be gentle on your skin. Non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic cleansers can be combined with warm water for an effective cleansing experience.

2. Do not pop them - Your relentless desire to pop pimples may lead you to aggravate the condition. You might end up with scars that will be more unsightly and painful.

3. Stay Moisturized - Keeping the skin adequately hydrated is also crucial, as dry skin can also cause other problems.

4. Do not scrub your face - Avoid scrubbing your face with wash clothes. They can cause acnes and pimples too.

5. Use shampoo regularly - Rinse your hair lightly with a shampoo in order to keep it neat. Dirt and grime accumulation can worsen acne on your forehead.

6. Avoid Irritants - Don't use oily or greasy cosmetics and other hair products, as they could worsen your acne. Water-based products are less likely to cause acne and might even aid in the treatment if used regularly.

7. Neat and Clean Home - Keep your home clean. Do not use dirty bedsheets or pillowcases as they could be the breeding grounds of bacteria and other germs.


Eating healthy and staying calm are the two most effective ways to get rid of acne during pregnancy. You must be careful about any treatments that might cause harm to the foetus. But severe acne issues and scarring might require expert intervention. Our team of experts at Kaayakalp, headed by Dr. V.S.Rathore can help. With two decades of experience, they can give you safe treatment and keep both you and your baby healthy. Call or visit today to know more.