Hair Fall and Hormone Imbalance

Even the smallest change in hormones reflects upon every part of the body. Similarly, the hair also undergoes changes due to hormone imbalance. There are many hormones flowing through our body mainly progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. Since their secretions and quantity is different in male and female, they induce changes differently. The undertaking of testosterone changing to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which further affects hair follicles, occurs in both men and women. In usual circumstances, women have a tiny part of the measure of testosterone that men have, but even a reduced measure can cause hair loss in women due to DHT triggers.

In their pregnancy period, you will see most women with strong, shiny, and thick hair due to increased secretion of estradiol and progesterone. Although it may vary for others. It is very common to see women experiencing a lot of hair loss after about three months of delivery, which soon recovers at its own pace. The postpartum (after delivery) hair loss is reversible.

During menopause, the amount of secretion of estradiol and progesterone falls drastically. But unlike postpartum hair loss, this is not reversible unless given medical and artificial attention. How does estrogen affect hair growth? Estrogen improves the growing phase of the hair. Thus, with declining estrogen in menopause, the hair is deprived of the protective layer.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid system messes up. It has many effects like fatigue, depression, constipation, anxiety, restlessness, etc. But before all these, it is your skin and hair that show the symptoms. To be more specific, your start to fall out, become thinner, drier, or brittle. Usually, hair loss is recovered once the hypothyroidism is treated successfully.

Hair transplant clinic in Kolkata

Headed by Dr.V.S. Rathore, Kaayakalp is the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. It is well equipped with the newest technologies and machines. Hair reconstruction surgery at Kaayakalp is done by one of the best hair transplant surgeons in Kolkata. At Kaayakalp, hair transplant is done with absolute precision and expertise. The hair can even be straightened, permed, dyed, or curled. Kaayakalp has a fully equipped hair transplant unit that will provide all the information and details on the actual process of hair transplant.

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