Common Causes Of Hair Loss And Restoration

Hair loss is a common concern for many people that can happen for many reasons. The specific cause of your hair loss will affect how it progresses: gradually or abruptly, whether it can regrow on its own, and what type of treatment options is available to restore the lost follicles. To understand the different balding patterns, we will need to look at what causes it first.

This article explores the common causes of hair loss and restoration. If you are experiencing any symptoms that may indicate a medical condition, please consult a doctor for treatment or advice on what to do next.

Common Causes Of Hair Loss Includes

Hereditary Conditions - Male pattern hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss worldwide, and it affects men more than women. It's often not noticeable until a man enters his 40s or 50s, but genetics play a part in its development- regardless of whether you inherit genes for male pattern baldness from your father or mother. Hereditary hair loss has been found in both males and females. It usually happens because of a hormone called Androgens. These come from an overproduction of testosterone or other natural male hormone fluctuations as well as increased sensitivity among certain cells on your scalp where hairs are rooted - hence the term ‘Androgenic Alopecia'.

When a woman has hereditary hair loss, the first sign is typically overall thinning. However, men with this type of genetic predisposition are more likely to experience receding hairlines or bald spots at the top of their heads.

Can It Be Reversed?

Early-stage balding can be treated with drugs like minoxidil to stimulate regrowth patterns and laser treatments that use light therapy. These options might work for some, but once hairs have fully miniaturized and are lost then no treatment will bring them back. The only option available is surgery - transplantation of new hair follicles from another part of the body or scalp since they cannot be replaced by any external means whatsoever.

Age - Most people go through a gradual process of hair loss as they age. Hair growth slows and eventually ceases altogether, leading to thinning the scalp over time. As women grow old their natural hairline recedes while the newer hairs become thinner and fall out from follicles after a while.

Can It Be Reversed?

Hair loss is an unavoidable part of aging, but you don’t have to live with it. While hair regrowth can't fully reverse the effects of age-related hair loss you will experience some partial growth from treatment options such as hair restoration surgeries.

Alopecia Areata - Alopecia areata is a disease that causes the body's immune system to attack hair follicles, which can lead to complete baldness. This means you will lose all your scalp hairs or any other type of hair on your head, like eyebrows and eyelashes in addition to those found inside your nose and ears.

Can It Be Reversed?

Alopecia Areata is a disorder that is typically manageable by medication, but if it persists and the patient does not respond to treatment with medications then surgery or radiation therapy may be necessary.

Stress - After a major life change, you might notice that your hair is falling out more than usual. After giving birth, recovering from an illness or surgery in the hospital, or going through something difficult like divorce and death of someone close to you- it's not unusual for people's bodies (including their skin) to react by shedding excess layers of themselves.

Can It Be Reversed?

The shedding of hair is a natural process that usually slows down after a few months. Once the stress levels are back at normal level, most people notice their locks get fuller again within 6-9 months. However, if there isn’t any visible progress then you might want to consult a professional.

What To Do If You Need A Hair Transplant

If you are considering hair restoration, then look for a certified plastic surgeon who has experience in this field. Consider visiting the doctor's website to see before and after photos of previous patients' cases as well as videos on how it is done. You may also want to schedule an appointment with them for your consultation if they offer the service that you need to determine whether or not they're qualified enough for your treatment.

Kaayakalp provides hair transplants in Kolkata for people who have lost their hair due to medical conditions, Alopecia, or other factors like stress and aging. We are well-equipped and offer the latest technology to give back confidence to the victim of this vicious condition. Kaayakalp's surgeons have a skilled hand in performing surgeries with precision. Explore our website for more details or contact us today!

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