Why Is The Cost Of Hair Transplant Treatments So High?

For anyone who has undergone cosmetic surgery or someone who is currently planning to opt for one, the skyrocketing prices come as no surprise. Also, cosmetic procedures are some of the most expensive medical services, be it lip filler, laser treatments, or hair transplantation. Among these, hair transplantation treatment is the most popular one. In India, hair transplantation services have become extremely popular, yet the prices do not seem to go down. 

But before you start worrying about which treatment or clinic will get you the best deal, there are a few things to know about the procedure. In this blog, we will discuss why a hair transplant costs so high and a few things you need to consider about the treatment. 

5 Things that Can Affect the Cost of Hair Transplantation

All cosmetic surgeries have a lot of factors that affect the cost of the treatment. The costs can often be a deciding factor for patients to choose the clinic for the treatment. 

Here is a list of things that have a direct connection to the costs of the treatment.

1. Procedure used

One of the first things that are considered when setting the price of a hair transplant is the type of procedure used. FUT and FUE are the two most common procedures used by most hair transplant clinics. While there are no apparent differences between the two processes, the precision of the two techniques is what makes the costs different for each. While FUT is advised by a lot of surgeons, FUE is a much more skilled and precise technique with less scarring and recovery time. 

The harvesting and grafting processes of every transplant process are different, and the more intricate the process, the more skill required hence higher costs. Moreover, if you are considering a more advanced technology with the use of robotics or specialized equipment, you need to consider the higher costs. 

2. Area of surgery

The costs may vary depending on the extent of hair loss and in which area the grafting will be done. If you plan to do hair restoration on a very small area of the scalp, the costs may be less than when you are doing a transplant for the whole scalp. The costs will go up depending on how much area is being restored and how the transplantation will happen. 

3. Sessions required

When setting up a consultation with your surgeon of choice. You will be informed about the number of sessions required to complete the whole process. Severe cases might take six to eight weeks, and minimal surgery can happen in one or two sittings. 

The number of hair grafts that can be extracted in a single session is limited. Depending on the condition of the patient’s scalp, which method is being used, and how the recovery is taking place. And also, the usual interval is a few months, and the whole procedure's cost will depend upon these factors.

4. Surgeon experience and fees

The surgeon you are choosing, what kind of process they are going to use, and how many years of experience they have. And also their fees - all of these factors are added to your bill. For cosmetic surgeries, surgeon expertise is a very crucial factor in determining the costs. Also, it takes into account the precision with which your surgery will be performed and what specialization your surgeon has. 

5. Location of clinic

Finally, the cost of hair transplant treatments will be directly affected by where you choose your clinic. India has a number of clinics where hair transplant surgeries are performed for a varied range of prices. The country has become a hotspot for cosmetic surgeries where patients come from all over the world. 

In 2023, hair transplant procedures in Kolkata are considered to be one of the more affordable options. Here, most clinics have package options with consultation and post-op included so patients can choose the service they want. Additionally, if you have travel costs from your residence to the clinic, you must consider the extra costs.

The Average Cost of a Hair Transplant Treatment

If you are choosing to do a hair transplant in Kolkata, you will be choosing one of the most affordable options in the country. For FUT and FUE, the costs per graft will differ depending on the extent of the area you will be restoring. All over, the average costs of hair transplants start from INR 30,000 or 45,000 (depending on the technique). The costs will increase when you are willing to go for more advanced procedures with more effective results. These treatments can range from INR 2,00,000 and upwards. 

Why Choose Kaayakalp for Hair Transplantation Treatments?

If you are looking for a reasonable cost of hair transplant treatments in Kolkata, book an appointment at Kaayakalp today! With specialized surgeons and a wide range of options in terms of treatment packages. And also we assure you that you will get the best care possible. At our hair transplant clinic, we promise you the best service at the best prices in India.

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