What To Expect On Your First Laser Treatment Appointment?

Laser treatment is categorized as a cosmetic procedure that is used mainly for hair and tattoo removal. It uses laser technology on skin pigments that have to be done by specialists in a clinic. But what happens in laser treatment? Is there anything you have to do and how to take care of your skin afterward? If you are looking for the best laser treatments in Kolkata, it might help to know a few things you should expect from your first appointment.

In today’s blog, we will talk about a few important things to expect when you are booking your first laser appointment in Kolkata. 

What is Laser Treatment?

As the name suggests, laser treatment is a laser-based treatment using a concentrated beam of light to target areas of the skin. It works on skin pigmentation that targets cells directly to start breaking down due to the heat of the laser. The treatment has become popular over the years for tattoo removal, permanent hair removal, skin resurfacing, and certain scar removal. 

Setting Up The First Appointment

Being curious about things that can happen on a first clinic appointment is normal. So here is a layout of what the whole procedure looks like and what role you can play to make the process easier. 


You must prepare your skin before your first treatment. This includes avoiding sun exposure, spray tans, and bleaching treatments. Chemical products like glycolic acids, retinoids, and anything that causes skin irritation. Following a skincare routine that is mild on the skin is important to follow before a laser treatment to avoid any kind of reaction.

The Main Appointment:

Like any other cosmetic procedure, the laser treatment starts with a consultation where you can ask questions and clarify all doubts. On the first day, after completing all the paperwork, you will go to the treatment room. A laser technician will be assigned to you, who is trained in this form of treatment. They will use a numbing medication on the treatment area to help with the pain or discomfort that the laser can cause. Additionally, you and your technician will wear protective glasses to save the eyes from the laser. 

The laser is usually operated by hand and can take a few minutes to a few hours to complete, depending on how much area is being treated. You will experience some pain, stinging, and warmth during the procedure. Make sure you communicate with your technician clearly and let them know if you are too uncomfortable. 


Once your first treatment session is over, you are free to go home, and there should be no residual discomfort. However, you should talk to your technician about aftercare which becomes very important after a laser treatment. Here are a few things you will be reminded of:

  • The treated area usually remains sensitive for a few days, and there might be some redness, swelling, or discomfort. 
  • Do not rub or scratch the treated area, as this can lead to skin damage and scarring. 
  • Make sure you are taking extra care when going out in the sun by using specialized SPF-30 sunscreen to avoid UV ray exposure.
  • If the redness in the area persists a week after treatment, make sure to consult a dermatologist to avoid complications. 
best laser treatments

Benefits to Expect

There are several upsides of laser treatment that you can look forward to.

1. Targeted treatment:

Lasers are known for their precision, so you do not have to expose your whole body to the light. The precision treatment in lasers can help work on a specific area that is more effective and does not do excess tissue damage. 

2. Quick results:

Laser treatments are usually done in sessions, and there is no recovery time. You will see that the treatment works quickly with little discomfort.

3. No scarring:

There is little to no scarring from a laser treatment since it is non-invasive. You can expect that there will be no scarring from the treatment, and it causes less damage than other chemical-based cosmetic treatments. 

4. Safe procedure:

If you have sensitive skin or suffer from any type of skin condition, laser treatments can be the best solution for hair and tattoo removal. The procedure is safe for different skin types and suits any skin tone. 

Few Side-effects of the Treatment

When you are looking for the best laser treatments in Kolkata, you should know about a few downsides of the treatment. If you have sensitive skin, you might have some discomfort for a few days after the laser treatment. The area can have some redness and swelling that takes a few days to subside. If you feel too much discomfort, you should consult a dermatologist to help with the treatment. One downside of the treatment is that the sessions can be expensive if you are trying to get a large area treated. So you have to take your pick carefully. 

Choose the Right Clinic

At Kaayakalp, we understand that it can be overwhelming to find the best laser treatments in Kolkata with a lot of options. At this clinic, we aim to provide the best treatments at affordable rates with specialist consultations. Making the right choice about laser treatment clinics makes sure that you have the best experience when you walk into your first appointment.

Also Read: Laser Hair Removal In Kolkata: Top 10 Benefits

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