What to expect after liposuction?

People suffering from too much body fat is a common scene to see. To bring back to its normal shape, even a proper exercise and diet fails. Liposuction surgery is considered a good option for such patients. Hence, what to expect after liposuction after the treatment is over? Today’s post will acquaint you exactly with this fact and the realistic outcomes to expect from your liposuction spree. So, without any more delay, let’s get started!

Things that happen after liposuction

It is not expected to visualize some impossible results after a typical liposuction procedure gets over. However, many people do that which is not the case. So, what to expect after liposuction procedure is already done. In case, you will undergo liposuction too, here are some of the things you can expect instead.

Expected bodily symptoms

Post-liposuction, many people experience some swelling and bruising in the operated area. This is quite normal and will disappear gradually within a week or two. Some numbness is also common, but it generally resolves within a few weeks too.

Emotional rollercoaster

The time directly following surgery can be quite an emotional rollercoaster. You may feel excited and triumphant one day, and then anxious and worried the next. This is completely normal, so try to ride the waves as best you can. Don’t be too hard on yourself – it takes time to adjust to a new body.

Physical activity

You will be able to resume your physical activities gradually after surgery. However, strenuous activities such as running or weightlifting should be avoided for at least four to six weeks. You will also need to avoid sun exposure for a few weeks after surgery.

Proneness to scars

Doctors make tiny incisions for removing the excessive flab cells. Since these incisions are quite small, they are made in the most invisible areas. Hence, the scars post-liposuction is barely visible. Despite that, your doctor will give you some post-care incision pieces of advice once the treatment gets over. If you follow these instructions stringently, the incisions will recuperate without much scarring.

Things to avoid after post the liposuction surgery

There are some things you will need to avoid doing after your surgery. These include the following:

Avoid smoking

Smoking will naturally impede the healing process as well as increase your risk of developing complications. So, if you smoke, it’s best to quit smoking altogether before and after surgery.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol can also slow down the healing process and increase your risk of developing complications. So, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether before and after surgery.

Stop going for hot baths

Going for hot baths can substantially aggravate swelling. Plus, it can also lead to infection if the wound is not completely healed yet. Hence, it’s best to stick to Luke-warm baths until your doctor gives you the green signal to resume hot baths again.

Shun overexertion at any cost

Stop doing tasks and activities that are exerting your body a lot. Doing so will only result in raising the chances of complications in the form of bleeding or hematomas. Instead, perform mild tasks that can support your body’s recovery process without putting too much pressure on it.

Avoid strenuous exercises

Performing any kind of strenuous exercise will only put undue pressure on your already traumatized areas. So, it’s best to avoid such exercises for at least four to six weeks post-surgery.

Several advantages of a liposuction surgery

There are again various benefits a patient can expect after undergoing liposuction surgery. Consider this checklist as you get to know the many advantages of liposuction surgery.

It increases the blood flow rate to the skin

Yes, liposuction improves the blood circulation underneath the skin where the surgery is performed. This improved rate of blood flow increases your overall blood circulation which facilitates quicker healing.

The fat cells are permanently removed

One of the best reasons for opting for liposuction surgery over any other cosmetic surgery is that it can remove even an ounce of fat cells. So, this type of treatment makes you lean forever.

It gives a better shape to the body

Liposuction surgery not just removes localized fat cells, but also contours the entire body by giving it a better shape. Hence, if you’re not happy with your current appearance and looking for a total makeover, liposuction is the right way to go.

It can help you with weight loss

With the fat cells gone for good, liposuction helps in losing excessive amounts of fats. If you’re looking forward to shedding off all those extra pounds that are giving your body a bloated look, then this is the perfect solution. After undergoing

It gives instant results

If you are looking forward to okay overnight results, then this surgery is the perfect answer. Yes, you will see an instant change in your body contour after undergoing a liposuction treatment. So, if you are unhappy with your current look and want the whole world to know it by getting rid of all those extra layers of fat cells right away, liposuction treatment is what you should opt for.

It allows a person to maintain his youth

Once you undergo liposuction surgery, it not only makes your body look better but also feels lighter and younger. So, this type of treatment can help in reducing the various side effects that come with age such as loose skin and wrinkles.

Who can undergo liposuction?

Almost any person who is in good health can undergo liposuction surgery. However, it’s best to consult with your doctor first to check if you’re an ideal candidate for the surgery or not. However, if the person is suffering from certain ailments like diabetes, heart diseases, and other major health conditions, then he must stay away from this treatment.

Time to sign off!

So, are you still wondering that what to expect after liposuction is done on you? Then, read the aforesaid post well. After you will undergo this treatment, you can expect the various surprising results stated above. Above all, you can expect the abovementioned advantages which liposuction surgery has to offer you. 

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