Skin treatment for whitening that really works

It's simpler than ever to get back your skin's natural glow and tone. Thanks to the expanded selection of skin whitening treatments now available on a global scale. There are many techniques to lighten your skin, from bleaching to laser procedures. Read this complete guide to find out more about the different skin-lightening treatments available, their packages, expected prices, and results.

What is Skin Lightening Treatment?

Skin bleaching is also referred to as skin lightening or skin whitening treatment. It aims to increase the fair complexion by using a chemical called glutathione. It is an effort to achieve an equal skin tone by bringing out the dark colour.

In Asian countries, the ratio is over 40%, and when it comes to India, almost every product is advertised as a skin-whitening enhancer. 

Types of Treatments 

Glutathione Skin Whitening:

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, this is one of the most used skin-lightening treatments for darker skin tones. Antioxidant glutathione is now known as a "wonder chemical" because of its strong skin-lightening effects. There are many ways to use it to lighten your skin tone. Whether you need an IV Therapy Glutathione injection, pill, or cream can be decided by your dermatologist.

Chemical Peel Treatment:

A chemical peel is a skin-rejuvenating treatment that removes the top layers of the skin by using mild acids produced from natural sources of varied strengths, which is followed by the growth of new, healthier layers. After being injected into the skin, the chemical solution causes the controlled removal of the top layers. Chemical peeling is a routine technique that evens out the texture of the skin and enhances its look. As it removes the layers of dead skin, it also aids in reducing the amount of accumulated pigment that takes the spots or marks.

Skin Lightening Treatment Cost in India

Chemical peels cost between Rs 1,800 and Rs 5,500 on average, laser treatments cost between Rs 4,000 and Rs 30,000, while skin lightening injections cost between Rs 6,000 and Rs 40,000. Like fairness creams can cost anything from Rs 200 to Rs 2,000.

You expose yourself to the sun, pollution, bacteria, and many other dangerous substances every time you leave the house. These cause your skin to become dark, dry, rough, and dull. Your confidence may suffer if you begin to appear older than you are. Lucky, there is a solution to this issue.

Many successful skin-lightening treatments that can restore your skin's youthful glow have lately been created, according to Harvard Health Publishing. The Kaayakalp is here to assist you in achieving a youthful, vibrant, and revitalised appearance!

Let's explore the choices accessible to revitalise the skin on your face.

How does skin lightening help to make you look prettier?

The following ways that skin whitening treatment is beneficial:

  • It helps with freckles, melasma, UV damage, and dark spots by lowering the amount of melanin in the skin.
  • It reduces scars, age spots, fine lines, and other blemishes.
  • It makes the skin lighter and more uniformly toned.

Future safety measures

We always advise starting to wash your face with chemical-free solutions after skin lightening treatments. Use petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel on the treated areas for your skin to smooth over the complete recovery period. After the treatment, your skin becomes more sensitive, so start applying good sunscreen and avoid touching or harshly scrubbing the affected areas for a few days. The use of ointments and medicines maybe advised by our experts if there is any swelling or pain.

Maintaining a good, easy skincare routine everyday is a wonderful thing to do for your skin. The common advice is to use a nice face wash, a sunscreen you enjoy using, a Vitamin C serum, and a Retinol or lightening cream such as azelaic acid, glycolic acid, or Kojic acid every night to improve the results.


Your skin may need one to 2 weeks to recover from laser skin lightening. You might wish to skip a few days of work until your skin starts to look better.

The skin may bruise or get crusty for one to two weeks following treatment and is frequently red and swollen for a few days.

Your skin should begin to lighten over the next few weeks. It could be sun-sensitive for as long as six months.

To aid your recovery you should:

  • Apply aloe vera gel or petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) to cool and soothe the treated area regularly.
  • Do not pick at any crusts or scabs that form. If you feel any pain, take paracetamol.
  • Hold an ice pack wrapped in a towel against the skin to reduce any swelling.
  • Apply sun cream to the treated area for at least six months to protect it from the aggravating effects of tan.

Glad you liked and learnt something from this article about skin lightening! Since the season has changed, you should make an appointment on our Kaayakalp website if you wish to remove your tan and flaunt a more even skin tone. Find out the skin-lightening treatments that are the safest and most successful for you by consulting with dermatologists right now!