Risks To Consider Before Saying Yes To Breast Augmentation Surgery


The size and shape of women's breasts are issues for a large portion of the female population. Breast augmentation procedures have made them less dissatisfied because they enable them to get the breast size and shape they want. Even though the surgical correction is becoming more and more popular around the world, the risks of breast augmentation are significant. Therefore, take these points into account before having your breast enhancement surgery. We will talk about the adverse effects of breast surgery in this blog post and how to reduce them. Before you put your name on the consent form for your breast surgery, give them careful thought.

What are the different types of breast augmentation surgeries?

Breast augmentation can be done by either of the two methods: 

  • Inserting breast implants
  • Injecting fat from one’s body to their breast or breasts

Despite the choice of option, the aim of breast augmentation surgery is the same. It increases the dimensions of the breast or breasts to make them visually more appealing. In some cases, it helps provide symmetry to both breasts. Overall, it contours the shape of the breasts for a more aesthetic appearance.  

Potential risks of breast augmentation surgery:

The risks associated with breast augmentation can be classified as:

  • Risks associated with surgery
  1. Excessive bleeding
  2. Temporary pain in the breast or breasts
  3. Swelling around the surgical site
  4. Bruising on the breast 
  5. Tight feeling on the chest
  6. Scar formation at the site of surgery
  7. Loss of sensation of nipples or hypersensitivity of nipples
  • Risks associated with anesthesia
  1. Allergic reaction to the anesthetic solution
  2. Mild to severe skin rashes or skin allergies
  3. Breathing difficulty
  • Risks associated with implants
  1. Aggressive scar formation around the implant causing hardening and or puckering of the breast
  2. Rotation of the implant due to its improper placement within the breast
  3. Rupture of the implant causes leakage of its contents within the breast (it may lead to an infection if quick intervention is not done)
  4. Hard lumps due to leakage of silicone implants
  5. Swelling of nearby lymph nodes
  6. Allergic reaction to the implant
  7. In some cases, it may interfere with milk production and breastfeeding
  8. Increased risk of cancers like “Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)” or BIA Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BIA-SCC)
  • Risks during the postoperative period
  1. Infection and pus formation (due to co-morbidities or improper hygiene)
  2. Excessive pain in breasts
  3. Distortion of breast shape

Can your body reject breast implants?

This is a common question women ask us. Breast implants are sterile and neutral prostheses. Hence, the body does not reject a breast implant. However, a breast implant is a foreign body. Therefore, it can trigger an immune reaction within the body. This is a natural phenomenon and it is important. The immune response forms scar tissue around the breast implant. As a result, the implant is isolated and remains secure. The chances of rotation reduce. 

But if the immune reaction aggravates (due to any cause), it leads to excess scar tissue. This is the cause of the hardening and wrinkling of the breast tissue surrounding the implant. In medical terminology, this condition is known as “capsular contracture.”

How to minimize the risks of breast augmentation surgery?

In this blog, we will discuss in detail the ways by which you can reduce the risks that come with breast augmentation surgery. Before that, you should know that the chances of these complications are 1-6%. However, these simple tips will help you reduce the chance to almost negligible. 

1. Choice of implant:

Both saline and silicone implants are the most popular and effective. But just in case the implant deflates and ruptures, the leaked saline solution will pose no threat. However, silicone gel deposition will form lumps and can trigger allergic reactions. Textured implants have a higher risk of capsular contracture. 

Ensure that your breast implant is of standard quality and dermatologically tested. Read the label carefully before you head into the operating room.

2. Choice of the clinic:

This is a very important factor to consider. Patients are often lured toward clinics offering cheap breast augmentation procedures. But this means an increased chance of infection, incorrect procedure, and even life-threatening outcomes. 

3. Choice of surgeon: 

You should only trust the expertise of a seasoned and highly-qualified breast surgeon for your breast surgery. Dr. V. S. Rathore is the best breast surgeon in Kolkata with two decades of experience.

4. Aftercare:

Proper aftercare as per the surgeon’s instructions will also help reduce the chances of risks of breast augmentation significantly. Take complete rest for at least a week after your surgery. Avoid strenuous physical activities for up to a month. Drink plenty of water. Maintain good hygiene. Regular dressing of the surgical wound is a must to prevent any infection.

5. Regular check-ups:

The FDA has revised its guidelines for breast surgery follow-ups. Go for regular check-ups once every 4 years for the first time, and once every 2 years after that. A mammogram during every check-up is mandatory. Early detection of an implant rupture or even BIA-ALCL or BIA-SCC is crucial. If detected at an early stage, removal and or replacement of the implant can prevent any infection or cancer cells from spreading over the body. 

6. Replace implants after the stipulated time:

Breast implants are not permanent. They can last anywhere between 10-15 years. It is important to replace them with new implants after the expiry date mentioned on the label. This helps prevent any severe complications. The longer a breast implant stays in your body, the higher the risk of health hazards. 

7. Contact your surgeon if necessary:

If you experience any unusual symptoms, schedule an appointment with your breast surgeon immediately. 

About Kaayakalp:

With over 18 years of experience, Kaayakalp is the leading breast augmentation surgery clinic in Kolkata. We use only the latest technologies and maintain standard protocols to ensure your safety. Dr. V. S. Rathore leads our team of breast surgeons. This guarantees the best outcome for your breast augmentation surgery. 

Kaayakalp is the choice of thousands for beauty enhancement. Make an appointment right away. Affirm your commitment to gaining more social confidence.

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