Things to know before having a laser scar treatment

Laser therapy can remove any scar magically within minutes. In reality, one must take laser scar treatment seriously into consideration. If the treatment goes wrong, it can have serious negative consequences. So, there are many essential facts that you should become aware of before undergoing laser scar treatment. The top plastic surgeons in Kolkata can perform this treatment faultlessly on you. That said here are some of the essential things that you should know before undergoing laser scar treatment.

Insurance doesn’t necessarily cover the cost

Scars sometimes cause an itchy and painful sensation in the affected area. These scars can also limit your movements to a certain extent. So, if you get laser scar treatment from the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata, you can move everywhere flexibly. Despite that, many insurers consider laser scar treatment as a cosmetic treatment. This is the reason why health insurers usually don’t cover the cost of this procedure.

You have to follow some pre-treatment routines

Before undergoing laser scar treatment, your dermatologist might ask you to do a few things unfailingly. These include the following:

  • Avoiding the sun, sunlamp, and tanning bed. Remember, you cannot get this treatment done if you have sunburn or tan.
  • You have to take some medicines to avoid getting cold sores in case you are susceptible to them.
  • Stop using all kinds of skin-care products containing glycolic and retinoid acids for two to four weeks.
  • Stop taking supplements of Vitamin E, aspirin, and similar medications. This is because these kinds of medicines can delay the overall healing process.
  • Quit the habit of smoking for at least two weeks before undergoing your laser scar treatment.

Some of these activities may change a bit according to your unique situation. So, talk to the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata and he or she may increase or decrease these tasks based on the type of laser scar removal you need.

Sun protection gets critical before and after the laser treatment

A sunburn or tan on your skin just before your laser scar treatment can become a hindrance to its successful completion. At the most, your surgeon can shelve the decision to treat you as well. This is because if a laser is used on such tans or sunburns, it can severely damage that area. So, after your laser scar treatment is over you need to protect your skin properly. To get the best results, don’t go out in the sun until your skin heals completely. Otherwise, the harmful UV rays of the sun can affect your post-treatment skin. As a result, you might develop another prominent scar.

Multiple laser treatments might be required

A single laser scar removal treatment is not enough. To get the finest results from this therapy, you will have to undergo a series of laser scar removal sessions back to back. This is a pre-requisite, especially for patients who are getting treated under the non-ablative laser. Non-ablative laser treatments have the least downtime, hence, patients love them. So, to yield the maximum benefits of this treatment you need a few consecutive sessions of it.

Preliminary medical consultation is imperative

Any treatment needs a prior consultation with your doctor. So, before undergoing a laser scar treatment, make sure that you sit for a preliminary consultation with your cosmetic surgeon. This is because the person who will treat you should know about you well. So, once you meet your surgical professional, he or she will assess your unique situation first. Then, your surgeon will factor in certain aspects like the attributes of your scar, your health and skin type, etc. You should also open up to your dermatologist on the following things:

  • The supplements or medications you are taking
  • Your smoking habit if you are into it
  • Tell your surgeon about any medical conditions that you have such as diabetes and
  • Cold sores if you have got them

After a thorough-and-through medical consultation, your surgeon will plan the most appropriate laser scar removal treatment for you. Besides, you also must know about the expected results from your dermatologist after this treatment gets over.

A laser cannot eradicate a scar

Laser treatments are becoming more advanced than ever. This has led dermatologists to eliminate the scars from the affected parts of their patients successfully. Typical laser treatment can make these things possible for you.

  • Enhances your mobility that was hindered by the scar till now
  • Reduces itch and pain resulting from scar
  • Prevent the formation of a raised scar post the surgery

The fact is laser treatments make a scar less noticeable. Unfortunately, it cannot get you rid of those scars completely. Through these treatments, you are replacing one scar with another one that is much less prominent.

Go for first-rate laser scar removal!

A scar removal treatment can show magical results on the affected parts if done properly. So, you also want to get a scar removal treatment from the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata? Then, visit Kaayakalp as soon as possible.