How abdominoplasty can help with weight?

Many people are prone to obesity, so, tend to put on cumulatively. Although, treatments like gastric bypass and bariatric surgeries help lose weight but somewhat. A great alternative to these treatment options is abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. It is especially effective for those who are exceptionally obese or overweight. So, how abdominoplasty can help with weight management? To get a proper answer to this question, read the following post carefully.

A quick introduction to abdominoplasty

As the name suggests, abdominoplasty is a particular surgical process. Its primary aim is to remove the excessive amount of fat from the abdominal region. This cosmetic surgery is effective and sometimes outperforms liposuction in producing amazing results. As a result, the patient achieves a much smoother and flatter abdominal area. Having said that, here is how abdominoplasty can help with weight management properly.

How tummy tuck can help with weight management?

The surgery not only removes the excess fat but also tightens the abdominal muscles that have become stretched out due to pregnancy or aging. This is because, when these muscles are tightened, they tend to give a more contoured appearance to the stomach area. In addition, this surgical procedure also eliminates the excess skin in the abdominal region.

What's more?

This is a common problem among obese or overweight patients as their skin has become very stretched out. So, by removing this skin, abdominoplasty gives a much more flattering appearance to the stomach area. Now that you know how abdominoplasty can help with weight management, it is time to discuss some other benefits of this amazing surgical process. So, what are those benefits, and how they can be effective for you? Below is a comprehensive checklist pertaining to the same. 

Here are some other benefits of abdominoplasty to know

Apart from the three major benefits discussed above, abdominoplasty has many other perks too. Some of them are mentioned below briefly:

Prevents sagging skin

The greatest advantage of this surgical process is that it prevents stretch marks and sagging skin. It is an inevitable problem among obese people who gain weight gradually over time. As a result, they end up having loose flab on their stomach area which makes them look older than their actual age. However, abdominoplasty removes all this excess skin and leaves behind a tighter and smoother stomach.

Boosts self-confidence

Another great benefit of abdominoplasty is that it boosts the confidence of the patient. This is because, after the surgery, they look much better and feel more confident about their appearance. This in turn helps them live a better and more fulfilling life.

Reduces the risk of some specific diseases

Apart from the cosmetic benefits, abdominoplasty also has some health benefits. One of them is that it reduces the risk of some specific diseases. Studies have shown that people who are obese or overweight are more at risk of developing conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. However, by undergoing this surgery, they can reduce their risk of suffering from such diseases.

Prevent certain hernias effectively

Another health benefit of abdominoplasty is that it prevents certain hernias effectively. Some people are predisposed to developing hernias in their abdominal area. Hence, by undergoing this surgery, they can prevent it from happening.

Makes your abdominal core much stronger

The surgery also makes your abdominal core much stronger as compared to those who do not undergo this process. This is because, when you lose weight gradually, there are chances that the muscles in your stomach area weaken and stretch out. However, abdominoplasty tightens these muscles and eliminates all the skin and excess fat from the belly region. As a result, the abdominal muscles are pulled back to their initial state and you get rid of all your fat deposits.

Ameliorates your control on your bodily process

Additionally, abdominoplasty also ameliorates the control of your bodily processes as compared to those who do not undergo the process. This is because, by tightening all the muscles in your stomach area and eliminating excess fat, you can gain better control over things like food cravings and bowel movements.

Who can undergo an abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is such a treatment that is not meant for every person out there. Candidates for this form of surgery must be in perfect physical and mental health. The patient must also possess realistic expectations about the results they can expect from this process to avoid disappointment. Furthermore, there are certain conditions that you should know before undergoing an abdominoplasty

  • People suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure cannot undergo an abdominoplasty.
  • Those who are suffering from certain types of cancers may also not be suitable for this process.
  • If you have a history of heart disease in your family, then it becomes even more important to consult your doctor before undergoing this surgery.

The healing period abdominoplasty takes is also quite long. It can take anywhere from six to eight weeks for the patient to recover completely. Hence, you must be mentally prepared for all the hard work that you will have to put in during this time. Apart from these conditions, certain lifestyle factors must be considered before undergoing an abdominoplasty.

Pre-and-post-surgery precautions

Do not smoke or drink alcohol before the surgery as it may make the healing process take longer than usual. Furthermore, if you are obese, then you must try to lose some weight before undergoing this operation. But apart from these conditions and lifestyle factors, abdominoplasty is an effective way of losing weight and making yourself look much better.


Abdominoplasty is a completely non-invasive surgery that is done under general anesthesia. It is a surgery that does not require any cutting or stitching and is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery procedures that are carried out these days. There are two types of abdominoplasties – standard and extended. So, now that you know that how abdominoplasty can help with the weight it's time for you to get started.

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