Hair Transplants In Kolkata: Everything You Need To Know

Losing hair can make you feel sad and less confident. But here's some good news: more people are choosing hair transplants as a permanent fix. In this blog, we'll explore everything you need to know about hair transplants in Kolkata—what they are, how they work, and what to expect during the procedure.

What Exactly Is A Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a kind of surgery where hair follicles, which are the tiny things that grow hair, are moved from one part of your body to another. Usually, it's from a place where you have lots of hair (like the back of your head) to a place where you're losing hair. In Kolkata, lots of people are choosing this option because it works well and the doctors there know what they're doing.

Different Ways To Do A Hair Transplant

There are two main ways that doctors do hair transplants: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). They each have their good points and things to think about.

1). Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

With FUT, the doctor takes a strip of skin with hair from the back of your head and then cuts it up into smaller pieces. These pieces are then put into the balding spots on your head.

Good Things About FUT:

  • You get more hair in one go.
  • Usually cheaper than FUE.

Not-so-Good Things About FUT:

  • Leaves a scar where the skin is taken from.
  • Takes longer to recover.

2). Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a bit different. Instead of taking a strip of skin, the doctor takes out individual hair follicles one by one and puts them where you need more hair.

Good Things About FUE:

  • No big scar, just little dots that are hard to see.
  • Quicker to get better after the surgery.

Not-so-Good Things About FUE:

  • Can take longer and cost more.
  • Might need more than one session if you need lots of hair.

How Does It All Happen?

So, here's how a hair transplant works in Kolkata:

  • First Chat and Plan: You talk with a hair transplant doctor about what you want and what they can do. They'll look at your hair and figure out the best plan for you.
  • Getting Ready: On the day of the surgery, they'll make sure the place where they're taking hair from is numb (so you won't feel anything). Then, they'll take the hair out.
  • Getting the Hair Ready: The hair they took out is looked at under a special microscope to make sure it's all good.
  • Making Space: The doctor makes tiny holes where the new hair will go.
  • Putting the Hair In: This is the trickiest part. They have to put each hair in just the right spot so it looks natural.
  • Taking Care of You: After it's all done, they clean up your head and tell you how to take care of it so everything heals up nicely.

What Happens While You're Getting Better?

Here's what to expect after your hair transplant:

  • Right After: You might feel a bit sore, and your head might be a bit swollen and red. But don't worry; it's normal.
  • The First Few Days: Little scabs will form where they put the hair in, but they'll fall off after about a week or so.
  • Two to Three Weeks Later: The hair they put in might fall out, but that's just part of the process. New hair will start to grow in a few months.
  • Three to Six Months Later: You'll start to see new hair growing. It might be thin at first, but it'll get thicker over time.
  • A Year Later: By this time, you should see the full results of the transplant, with new hair that looks natural.

Why Choose A Hair Transplant?

People in Kolkata are choosing hair transplants because:

  • It Sticks Around: Unlike wigs or hairpieces, a hair transplant is permanent.
  • Looks Natural: With good doctors and techniques, it's hard to tell you've even had a transplant.
  • Boosts Confidence: Getting your hair back can really make you feel good about yourself.

Wrapping It Up

So, if you're in Kolkata and thinking about a hair transplant, know that you're not alone, and there are great doctors who can help you out. By understanding how it works and what to expect, you can make the best choice for yourself.

Choose Kaayakalp for the best hair transplant in Kolkata. Experience exceptional care, cutting-edge technology, and natural-looking results. Regain your confidence with our expert team. Transform your look with Kaayakalp – your ultimate destination for superior hair restoration.

Read More: 6-Step Process: What To Expect From Best Hair Transplant Kolkata