Hair Care After Hair Transplantation

We have talked about hair transplantation before. However, in this blog, we will explore post-operative hair care for patients. After the surgery, the patients do get instructions on how to do the hair care. We will discuss a few such measures.

Hair Wash

Hair washing is one of the most essential factors that might impact the final result of a hair transplant, so every patient is taught how to properly wash their hair at the clinic. It majorly involves three steps.

  • The patients need to put moisturizer or oil 15-20 mins before washing their hair. It is to be considered all the products that one uses must be approved by their doctor. So after gently applying moisturizer, they can wash their hair with a medicated shampoo. However, no pressure should be exerted on the scalp as it might cause discomfort.
  • After washing your hair, pat it dry with a paper towel. Do not rub; instead, gently pat it. The moisturizer should be applied until the scabs have fallen off or the scalp feels dry. If the sensation of dryness persists, the moisturizer can also be used in between hair washes.
  • Scabs should be removed with shampoo on a daily basis. After around 7-10 days, your scalp should be free of dried blood and scabs. You can start washing your hair normally 14 days following the transplant. After the operation, the hair can be washed more than once a day if necessary.

Proper sleeping position is essential

During the first week following the operation, it is critical to avoid touching the recipient areas as much as possible. Patients are encouraged to sleep on their backs, with their heads elevated on a few pillows. The pillows reduce edema that can arise after a hair transplant by lifting your head during the night. Patients are also encouraged to utilize the specific cushion provided by the clinic for the first 7-10 days.

Healing and recovery

Although some numbness and minor discomfort in the scalp can be expected for many days after surgery, most patients feel well after a day or two. On the recipient and donor sites, there will be punctate red scabs at the bottom of the transplanted hair shafts for around 7-10 days. Typically, the patient regains his or her usual appearance after 10-15 days of surgery. Following this period, only minor redness may be evident. Individuals with very light skin may endure extended redness following treatment, but those with darker hair and skin tend to recover faster. Overall, healing from hair transplantation is a highly personalized process that is influenced by the patient's age, lifestyle, and medical history.

Hair coverage 

It is critical to select a hat for the post-operative time that will not sit too tightly on the recipient areas or pull on the newly transplanted grafts. Please use headgear outside for up to 2 weeks or until the scabs have disappeared.

It is critical to avoid direct sunlight for the first two weeks following surgery. We advocate wearing a hat in the sun for the first 6 months after the transplant.


You can begin going for short walks or doing light physical workouts immediately following hair transplantation. You can begin moderately exercising 10 days after surgery. It is important that you shower soon after your workouts to reduce the risk of infection. Drinking alcohol will lengthen the time it takes for wounds to heal following a hair transplant. It is preferable to wait two weeks after surgery.

Why Kaayakalp?

At Kaayakalp, we work with you to address hair loss and other hair-related issues. In addition to hair transplants in Kolkata, we also provide treatments for other body image difficulties such as abdominoplasty, facial surgery, body contouring, and much more. Visit our website to learn more.

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