Gynecomastia Surgery Cost: Contributing Factors

If you are a male who is considering breast reduction surgery, you are not alone. At least 65% of the male population suffers from developing large breasts known as gynecomastia. There may be many causes leading to this condition. But whatever the cause, surgical removal of the excess breast tissue can lead to a marked improvement of the condition. 

So, if you are planning on getting surgery, this blog is for you. in this blog, we will discuss gynecomastia surgery costs in Kolkata. We will also highlight the factors that contribute to the cost of gynecomastia surgery. 

Cost of gynecomastia surgery in Kolkata:

Breast reduction surgery for males can cost anywhere between INR 30,000 and INR 1,00,000 in Kolkata. 

Factors affecting gynecomastia surgery cost:

1. The severity of the disease:

Breast growth in males occurs in four stages. These include Grades I-IV. The higher the grade, the more serious the condition is. It thus leads to higher costs of the surgery. 

Excess breast growth in males does not pose a threat to one’s life. Hence, “seriousness of the condition” means the extent to which it has spread. Larger the breasts, the greater the negative psychological impact on a person. 

We will discuss the grades of gynecomastia in detail in a later post. 

2. The difficulty of the procedure:

Different surgical procedures can be used for male breast removal. This decides the complexity of the surgery. 

If a person develops enlarged breasts due to excess fat deposition, liposuction treats the condition. If gland tissues develop to produce large breasts, excision and gland removal treat the condition. 

A more complex procedure requires an enhanced skill set. This contributes to a higher gynecomastia surgery cost. 

3. Surgeon’s fees:

An experienced breast surgeon will naturally charge higher fees. Even though the costs may look expensive, an expert can give you a better outcome on your procedure. Moreover, since the surgery requires great precision and a skill set, only a surgeon with a high level of skills and knowledge will be able to control any complication that may arise during the procedure. 

4. Amenities provided by the clinic:

A clinic that provides access to the latest technology equipment and other modern amenities to increase the comfort level and safety of your procedure will charge higher. It is worth the cost, given that the results of your procedure are expected to last a lifetime. 

5. Investigation charges:

Before scheduling your surgery, your surgeon will prescribe routine investigations. These add up to the total cost of your gynecomastia surgery. 

6. Follow up:

Follow-up visits to your surgeon contribute to the total cost of the procedure. 

What is the success rate of gynecomastia surgery?

With the right technique and cutting-edge technology, the success rate is very well above 90%. At Kaayakalp, we ensure a thorough breast examination before confirming the grade and type of surgery needed. This, coupled with the 19+ years of experience of Dr. V.S. Rathore, the captain of the team, ensures that we have a high success rate of 98%!

This surgery gives permanent results provided you switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle post-surgery. 

Can we claim health insurance for gynecomastia surgery?

Yes. In cases where heavy breasts are causing serious physical discomfort or are cancerous, one can claim health insurance on their gynecomastia surgery cost

Why choose Kaayakalp?

Here at Kaayakalp, we understand that you want to seek improvement in your physical appearance. All our surgery protocols are designed to provide you with 100% satisfaction. We ensure that our team of surgeons are renowned specialists with the necessary qualifications and several years of experience. 

Contact us today for booking an appointment with us. 

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