FUT Or FUE: Which Is The Best Method Of Hair Transplant In Kolkata?

If you are sure of getting a hair transplant in Kolkata, deciding on the best method can be a tricky decision.

Hair restoration specialists use both techniques for a hair transplant. But which one is the best? Which technique provides the most effective results? Which method gives you the most natural appearance?

Our blog will cover this topic. FUT or FUE – which method of hair transplant in Kolkata is the best?

Which is better FUE or FUT?

FUT and FUE hair transplants are FDA-approved procedures. So, what is the difference between them? In what aspect does one technique overrun the other?

First things first – no hair transplant technique in Kolkata is better than the other. Both these methods are painless and safe. To understand which one should YOU choose and why, keep reading. We will elaborate on this fact.

The basic difference between the two methods lies in the hair graft extraction process. The FUT hair transplant in Kolkata involves cutting a strip of skin from the scalp. This tissue strip contains hair grafts. The hair grafts are removed from it and preserved in a preserving solution.

On the other hand, the FUE hair transplant involves extracting individual hair grafts from the scalp. Surgeons then transplant these hair grafts on the scalp in the balding areas.

Other points of difference between the two methods of hair transplant in Kolkata are the following:

  1. Transaction rate: 

This is the number of hair grafts that do not survive after their extraction from the donor area. In the FUT method of hair transplant in Kolkata, this percentage is minimum. Transection rate is 0-2%.

For an FUE hair transplant in Kolkata, the transaction rate is between 1% and 5%.

  1. Level of skill:

Performing an FUE hair transplant requires greater skill than a FUT procedure. Only a hair transplant surgeon having extensive experience in the field can perform an FUE hair transplant in Kolkata.

  1. The number of hair grafts:

A FUT hair transplant in Kolkata allows the transplanting of 4000-5000 hair grafts in one session. An FUE hair transplant allows 2500-3000 hair graft transplants in one session.

  1. Limitations:

An FUE hair transplant is possible for people having dense hair in their donor areas. People with limited availability of donor hair on their scalp cannot opt for an FUE transplant. This is because hair preservation is crucial in these cases. In case something goes wrong during the procedure, hair grafts cannot be revived.

A FUT hair graft has a higher chance of survival. This is because the strip of skin contains fatty tissue. This fatty tissue guards the hair grafts. Therefore, if you have sparse hair distribution on the donor area of your scalp, a FUT is a better option.

There is another aspect to consider for limitations. If you are completely bald and have no hair on your scalp, a beard hair transplant may be possible. For females, body hair is to be considered. But this is the last line of treatment. The use of beard hair or body for a hair transplant is a rare exception.

But if you are a part of this exception, FUE is your only choice.

Does FUE or FUT have better results?

Firstly, a hair transplant in Kolkata yields absolutely natural-looking results. Whether you choose an FUE or a FUT hair transplant, it will look and feel like your normal hair.

It depends upon how well the hair grafts transplant on the recipient area. This will pave the course for the survival of the new hairs. You need to follow proper aftercare protocols. This will ensure that the transplanted grafts fix well onto your scalp. This will allow a higher chance of survival for these hair grafts.

Your hair transplant surgeon will decide which method will suit you best. Several factors play an important role in assessing this.

These factors include your hair texture, hair density, distribution of hair on your scalp, and natural hair volume.

Specialists are now incorporating a combination of both techniques. This aims to give your scalp better coverage. How? Well, beard hair measures approximately 125 microns in diameter. This is nearly twice the diameter of scalp hair which measures 69 cm in diameter. So, if you have zero to significantly less scalp donor's hair, this is a great method!

FUT hair transplant allows the transplanting of scalp hair to the recipient areas. An FUE beard transplant on your scalp in between gives more coverage.

There is a misconception about scar formations with a FUT hair transplant. Many candidates think that the procedure leaves behind unsightly scars on the scalp. Hence, they prefer an FUE hair transplant even though they may not be eligible for it.

This fact is partially true. A FUT hair transplant in Kolkata does lead to the formation of a linear scar on the donor area. With technological progress, this scar is not as large or as prominent as you think. Moreover, with new hair growth, this scar is concealed. However, if you are too conscious, you can get scar revision surgery later on. It will make your FUT scar inconspicuous.

An FUE hair transplant in Kolkata leaves whitish dots on the donor areas. Hair regrowth hides these spots. But if you opt for too many FUE procedures, the patches may become unduly prominent.

Therefore, experienced hair restoration specialists recommend getting a FUT hair transplant first. You can follow this with one or more FUE transplants if you need more than one hair transplant in Kolkata.

This is specifically recommended for younger patients. This is because their hair loss pattern may not stabilize by then. They may experience hair fall again in the surrounding areas of the scalp. hence, they may need further hair transplants in the future.

One can get an FUE hair transplant in Kolkata after a FUT. But this cannot happen the other way around. The first FUT hair transplant in Kolkata ensures the availability of donor hair for future transplants.  

Why is FUE more expensive than FUT?

An FUE hair transplant in Kolkata is more expensive than the FUT method because:

  • It is a more skilled process
  • It requires more labour
  • It is more time-consuming

The bottom line:

You may be a suitable candidate for both hair transplant techniques in Kolkata. Your goal for your scalp coverage will then allow your surgeon to decide on the best method of hair transplant in Kolkata.

If you want to have voluminous thick hair on your scalp, FUT is the right choice for you.

Why choose Kaayakalp?

Kaayakalp provides state-of-the-art features concerning technology and patient service. Our team of experienced hair restoration specialists is known for their skill set and dedication.

Dr. V. S. Rathore, the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata, is the mentor of the team.

Two decades of experience have enabled us to give you the best service. Choose Kaayakalp, the hub of hair transplants in Kolkata, for the best outcome on your hair transplant.

Book your consultation with one of our hair restoration specialists today.

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