An abdominoplasty is a reconstructive and cosmetic procedure that tightens the muscles in the abdominal wall and flattens the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin. This surgical procedure is also called a tummy tuck. It is major surgery, so it is important that the person undergoing it educates himself with the facts About Abdominoplasty thoroughly analyzes his own situation, and take his time arriving at a final decision.

Following are facts about Abdominoplasty:

  • There are different types of tummy tuck procedures available and there are different methods of addressing the abdominal area that can be considered, including mini-tummy tucks that focus on loose skin and extended tummy tucks that address the entire torso area. Speak to your doctor to determine which one is right for you.
  • Several weeks are needed for recovery following an abdominoplasty. This procedure is an extensive surgical treatment that can be invasive for some. Most recovery times require several weeks before the area is fully healed.
  • Tummy tucks are not used for weight loss. Long-standing weight issues should be addressed prior to undergoing the tummy tuck procedure. While some weight may be lost due to fat and skin removal, this is not the primary goal.
  • The tummy tuck offers long-lasting results. Patients should maintain a healthy weight, diet, and activity level to enjoy their results for many years to come. Any fat cells removed during the abdominoplasty will not regenerate.
  • Patients of both genders can enjoy the tummy tuck. While women are the most common patients who ask for abdominoplasty, they are not the only ones. Men can also benefit from the procedure as well, commonly addressing excess fat, loose muscles, and skin laxity during their surgery.
  • The fact that you gain after having the tummy tuck procedure will actually be redistributed to other places in the body. That is as long as these measures are placed to ensure that weight gain will be distributed evenly.
  • There are chances that the patient develops some scars after a tummy tuck. Some of these may go away over time, but others will stick around. There are of course certain cosmetic procedures that can help to blend scars or make them not as apparent
  • The surgeon may actually recommend liposuction as part of your overall surgery. This is often necessary – or at the very least highly recommended procedure. The reason the liposuction is used with a tummy tuck procedure is that it can help to shape the waist the way that the patient intended.
  • The tummy tuck procedure is usually an outpatient surgery, but the doctors prescribe various medications and activities that are vital for the patient. However, for the first few days, it is going to be almost impossible for the patient to move in certain ways.
  • Historically, tummy tuck patients actually ended up without a bellybutton. The practice dates back to the 1890s. And when the procedure just started surgeons were not able to replace or relocate bellybutton’s the way that they can now. However, this is not the case today, thanks to modern technology.
  • It is a misconception that one cannot get pregnant after a tummy tuck. It is a common myth that has no basis in fact. However, this comes with the caveat that you should really try to have your children before the procedure if possible. This is simply because you may have to do the tummy tuck all over again if you have a child. That’s because of the hormonal changes in the re-stretching of the muscles and skin. I sincerely hope that the facts about abdominoplasty will help you make an informed decision before going ahead with the procedure.


Since 2003, Dr. Rathore has been focused on helping and developing the well-being of his patients. He has been completely involved in carefully and precisely calculating the procedures required to achieve and meet his patient’s wants, and boost their self-confidence for more than 18 years and has performed more than 9000 successful surgeries and more than 2100 hair transplants. That is how Kaayakalp came into the picture. His mission is to deliver excellent care to our patients by offering the most advanced and ingenious techniques in aesthetics and to cultivate personal fulfillment and develop a sense of well-being. He comprehensively explains the facts about Abdominoplasty to his patients before commencing the surgery. Any medical procedure requires the best and the most experienced hands in the industry to ensure success with minimal complications. Thus, having an experienced and skillful hand with you can certainly diminish any worries that you have regarding the procedure and its aftermath. Dr. VS Rathore is one of the leading cosmetic surgeons in the country and an undisputed figure in the eastern city of Calcutta. Having nearly two decades of experience, Dr. Rathore has handled thousands of related cases, some of them very intricate. He is well-reputed for the success rate of his procedures as well as having thousands of happy and satisfied patients all over the world. Thus, if you require a tummy tuck, choose Dr. Rathore’s services for the best results.