Things to Know About Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Does your face look tired these days? Maybe it’s dehydrated or showing signs of aging. It could also appear worn out due to stress and other concerns. Do not worry! It is quite natural for your skin to look haggard. After all, it faces all the elements: the heat, the rains and the cold. However, it is also not advisable to ignore it. After all, it IS the biggest organ of your body but it rarely gets the care it deserves. Your face in particular requires regular and routine maintenance. A proper face and skin care regime can change the quality of not just your face but your life as well. Facial rejuvenation surgery is a great way to maintain the quality of your face. Read this primer to know more in case you are considering getting one.

What Is A Facial Rejuvenation Surgery?

Facial rejuvenation surgery is also known as facelift. It is a medical procedure that lifts and tightens the sagging skin on your face and neck area. Facial rejuvenation treatment combines several cosmetic procedures. This is done to restore the youthful appearance to your face and its features. Neck lifts, brow lifts, and forehead lifts are some of the most common surgical treatments that are available to you. This is done under general anesthesia in an operating room. It is used to treat:

  1. Jowls on your jaw line
  2. Loose skin of your neck
  3. Double chin
  4. Sagging or drooping skin
  5. Marionette lines between the nose and mouth area

The surgeon will make incisions behind your ears. The next step is to lift and pull back the loose skin and the connective tissue on your face and neck. Any excess skin is removed before closing. You can definitely go for injections. However, there are safety concerns. The results are also not long-lasting. It can last from anywhere between eight months to two years. A facelift or facial rejuvenation surgery can last for many years.

The Recovery Process

It can take about ten to fourteen days on average for you to recover from a facelift. You might suffer from swelling and bruising around the incision area while you recover. While discharge, you will receive post-surgical care instructions from your surgeon. Further, you will also get directions for pain relief. You must abide by them for minimal pain and a fast, steady recovery.

Reasons For Facelift

There are many reasons why your surgeon can suggest you undergo facial rejuvenation surgery. See below and check if any of these have been troubling you:

  1. If you are experiencing sagging in your neck and face.

2. If you are noticing loss of volume in the cheekbones and along the contours of your jaw line

3. If you are experiencing any one of these: furrows in the forehead, crow’s feet around your eyes and folds and fine lines around the mouth.

4. If you have noticed dark circles or eyelid bags under your eyes. Perhaps the upper eyelids look different due to wrinkles and drooping skin.You might also want to reverse the signs of aging in general and look fresh and young.

Risks Of A Facelift

There are risks with almost every surgical process. Facelift is no exception. Older adults and people who have health conditions like obesity and diabetes are more risk-prone. General anesthesia can have adverse impacts on them. Smokers and those who take anti-clogging medications have high chances of bleeding during the process.

Advantages of Professional Facial Rejuvenation

Human beings have wanted to look beautiful and youthful since times immemorial. From fountain of youth to cosmetic surgeries, it has been a long process and it is still ongoing. You might be surprised to know that plastic surgery dates back to the 8th century BC and originates from the ancient Indian text of Sushruta Samhita! Many, however, still see it as a taboo. Given below is a list of benefits that you get from facial rejuvenation and other cosmetic treatments.

1. A Better Physical Health

It does not just improve how you look but it also cures major health risks. If you have dry eyes, then eyelids surgery can help fix that. It also improves your vision. Moreover, post-surgery maintenance requires you to stay fit. As a result, your physical fitness improves. It feels like a win-win situation now, doesn’t it?

2. Greater Quality of Mental Health

How you look has a huge impact on how you feel about yourselves. If your physical appearance is less than satisfactory to you, you can end up with severe mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and body-image issues. These are not a matter of joke.  Aesthetic treatments like facial rejuvenation can alleviate them by fixing the appearance as per your wishes.

3. Greater Realisation of Self-Esteem Needs

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, self-esteem is a crucial need for human beings. It shows how much you respect and value your own self. A good physical appearance means a greater sense of self-esteem.

4. Confidence and Positive Worldview

If you are comfortable in your own skin and value your own self, your confidence level will be high. This will also result in a positive outlook and make you face the challenges of life with a cheer and smile. So, if an aesthetic treatment helps you with it, what is the harm in it?

Why Us?

The right surgeon will make facial rejuvenation surgery a walk in the park. Kaayakalp is one of the premier cosmetic surgery clinics in Kolkata. With advanced machinery and experts guiding you, it will be natural and safe. Visit or call for bookings.