Benefits of Having a Hair Transplant Over a Wig

One of the dominant problems among people is losing hair. Studies have shown that 70% of men have tendencies to lose hair compared to 40% women. Men are more genetically exposed to hair loss and the tendencies of permanent hair loss are also stronger in men. More specifically, men have increased chances of experiencing androgenic alopecia, which is also referred to as male pattern baldness. Another reason could be the DHT, dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of the hormone testosterone. While DHT plays a good role in many male characteristics such as muscles mass, body hair, increased levels of DHT makes hair follicles thinner and difficult to thrive. Ageing also causes hair loss. Numerous changes happen within your body as you get older and hair is also a part of the same. Many people are concerned with their hair loss problems. It affects them mentally, lowers confidence and self-esteem. Hair transplant and hair replacement system could be two possible solutions for them. But they are confused with what to choose among the two, which one would be beneficial for them and help them to hide their hair loss. Let us discuss the Benefits of Having a Hair Transplant Over a Wig.

Benefits of Hair Transplant over wig

The end results of a hair transplant are long-lasting. You can also label it as a permanent solution to most. It provides a natural look. You cannot make out whether the person has undergone a hair transplant. Hair transplant is also a less expensive option for wigs. Currently, the wide availability of hair transplant surgeries with a high level of satisfaction among clients has relegated the use of wigs for many people having hair loss problems. For a small proportion of patients, hairpieces represent the most appropriate solution for their condition, either as a single measure or in combination with hair transplant surgery and pharma treatments. Sometimes hairpieces are an excellent choice; however, there are various reasons why a hair transplant would be beneficial over a wig.

Fear of detection

The largest proportion of wig users live with the fear that the hair on their head is not natural would be exposed or revealed any time soon. This could be emotionally exhausting. On the contrary, a hair transplant puts real hair on that area and stays there for very long. This hair restoration procedure performed on men and on women who have significant hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where hair no longer grows.


A particular type of permanent baldness is produced by the method of fixing the wigs to the scalp, known as traction alopecia. It is associated with the weaving method that uses natural hair strands, weaving through the base of the wig to hold it in place. Over time, the fabric pulls weakened hair and induces its fall.


Many people believe that a hair transplant is an expensive solution for hair loss, while a wig is a more affordable method. But with the passing of time, it happens to be exactly the opposite. While it is true that a hair transplant requires a significant investment, but once it is done, lasts forever. Wigs require meticulous maintenance, every six weeks, which accrues a significant cost. In due course, a second wig or a third wig will also be required. These additional wigs will also require regular service and will have to be replaced as they wear out, or when the owner’s locks and hair change colour. Of course, wigs are available at a low price, but those that look more natural cost several thousand dollars. This is one of the main Benefits of Having a Hair Transplant Over a Wig.

How does a hair transplant work?

When researching hair transplant surgery, you will get to know that there is no fit for all technology. Most patients choose one among the two methods – Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). There might be other procedures as well, but these two are the most commonly used ones.


An FUE hair transplant involves the extraction of follicles from a donor, maximizing the number of available grafts. Follicles are removed individually with a specialized cutting device. Surgeons use a local anaesthetic to numb the area of extraction hence making the process is painless.


It is also known as strip harvesting, involves the extraction of a strip of hair from a part of the head in which hair is dense or hair grows normally. Then, the surgeon uses a microscope to divide individual hair follicles into small groups and inserts them into bald areas. The donor zone for a FUT hair transplant typically is the sides and back of the scalp. In this method, the surgeon can harvest more hair follicles in one strip than with other types of hair transplant procedures, and more hair is shifted in one sitting than with FUE. While wigs could be a more viable option when having temporary baldness or diffused baldness, hair transplant techniques remain the most beneficial procedure owing to its advantages, which include -
  • positive aesthetic change
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Natural hair look
  • Simple procedure performed under local anaesthetic
  • Growth continues as usual
KAAYAKALP is one of the best hair transplant clinics in Kolkata. We at Kaayakalp are well equipped with the latest technologies and machinery and have the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata. The hair can be straightened, permed, dyed or curled. At Kaayakalp, hair transplant is done with utmost precision and expertise.