Beard To Scalp Hair Transplant In Kolkata: Is It Reliable?

People who opt for a hair transplant in Kolkata look forward to enhancing their outlook. While most patients present with hair on the sides and back of the scalp, some have almost zero to considerably sparse hairs remaining on the scalp. So, are their dreams of a fuller head of hair never possible to realize?

Thanks to advancements in technology, we can now use beard hair for a scalp hair transplant in Kolkata. Although this is not the first line of donor choice for a hair transplant in Kolkata, its results are positive. Hence, it is gaining acceptance among patients who are initially skeptical but say yes to it after understanding the process.

Can you use beard hair for FUE? 

The scalp is the first choice for donor hair for a hair transplant in Kolkata. But there are patients out there who have complete baldness. For these male patients, beard hair can be used for scalp hair transplant in Kolkata. Interestingly, only an FUE hair transplant can extract beard hair. This is because the surgeon cannot cut a strip of skin from the chin area as they can do for the scalp. So, an FUE beard hair transplant allows the extraction of hair follicles from the beard using a micro punch tool.

How many grafts can be extracted from a beard?

On average, around 2000 to 5000 hair grafts can be extracted from a beard. The thickness of your beard and beard hair texture will help determine the exact number.

Is it safe to use the beard for hair transplants?

Yes. Using beard hairs for a hair transplant in Kolkata is absolutely safe. In fact, using a beard for an FUE hair transplant in Kolkata is safer than a scalp hair transplant. Wondering why? Let us tell you.

Anesthesia application feels like a breeze for a beard hair transplant. A relatively lower concentration of an anesthetic solution is sufficient to numb most of the area, enabling a hassle-free procedure.

Beard hairs are extracted from below the jawline. So, it involves the chin and the area of the neck concealed by it. Hence, your actual beard is still present so you can grow it whenever you wish to. It may look thinner. But if you have a thick beard, this will be almost negligible. Moreover, you will still have viable hair follicles left for future hair transplants.

Extracting beard hair is a safer procedure. They are not located as deep as scalp hair. To extract beard hair, your hair transplant surgeon uses sharp punches with their micro punch tool. The insertion is shallow, about 2mm, as opposed to 4 mm for scalp hair extraction.

A beard hair transplant in Kolkata heals faster than a regular scalp hair transplant. Post-operative maintenance care is also relatively easier. You need not use shampoo for cleaning. Simply clean the area with clear water.

The chances of infection are also lower than a scalp hair transplant in Kolkata.  

The best part about using beard hair for a hair transplant in Kolkata is that there is no visible scar. The areas from which your surgeon will extract beard hair will appear slightly pinkish or reddish after the procedure. This will resolve within 7-10 days. Till then, it will naturally remain hidden under your chin fold. Moreover, the whitish dots following an FUE hair transplant in Kolkata seamlessly match with the donor area, irrespective of your skin tone.

Do beard transplants look natural?

The texture of scalp hair and beard hair is slightly different. This difference is almost unnoticeable. A beard transplant is often used in combination with a scalp hair transplant. They provide an almost natural look.

Beard hair grafts contain usually one follicle. Sometimes, they may contain two hair follicles. This is unlike scalp hair. Scalp hair grafts have two to four hair follicles on average. However, one interesting point to note is that beard hair is thicker than scalp hair. The diameter of beard hair is 125 microns whereas that of scalp hair is 69 microns. Therefore, fewer beard hair grafts can provide more coverage. This is even when the number of hair follicles per hair graft is low for a beard.

Beard hairs stay in the growth phase (anagen) longer than scalp hair. Hence, you experience significantly less hair fall.

It is an excellent choice for male patients suffering from severe forms of alopecia.

Beard hairs are tougher. Hence, they have a considerably higher chance of survival than their scalp counterparts.

What are the disadvantages of a beard transplant?

Having mentioned the advantages of a beard transplant, we should tell you about the limitations too.

Extracting beard hairs is safer than extracting scalp hair because of their low transection rate. But they are much more difficult. This is because beard hairs comprise hairs coming out at different angles. One single square centimeter may provide you with the challenge of extracting hairs from several different angles. Your hair transplant surgeon has to be extra cautious when extracting beard hair. They should remove the punch tool once in a while to determine that their angular placement is correct. Otherwise, the outcome of your hair transplant in Kolkata will not be as desirable as you would expect.

Beard hairs are coarse. This means that may give you a plug-like appearance if too many hair grafts are transplanted on your scalp. This will ruin the prospect of your hair transplant in Kolkata.

Most renowned surgeons, therefore, use both beard hair and scalp hair for your hair transplant in Kolkata. This gives the best results. Tactical placement of beard hair and the scalp hair in a proper distribution allows the following:

  1. Preservation of both scalp donor hair and beard donor hair for future hair transplants.
  2. Scalp hair gives a natural look.
  3. Placing less concentration of beard hairs in between scalp hairs enhances hair volume. Thus, you get thicker hair on your scalp and maximum coverage.

Is beard transplant a reliable method of hair transplant in Kolkata?

Holding on to misconceptions and myths prevents many prospective hair transplant candidates from taking the plunge. So, let us clarify this fact for you. Beard transplant is a reliable method of hair transplant in Kolkata. You do not have to feel hopeless if you have lost away all your scalp hair. You can get a perfect outlook with a beard hair transplant in Kolkata.

In fact, even with the existing scalp hair, surgeons worldwide are considering the use of beard hair for hair transplants.

The only catch: you need to get your hair transplant in Kolkata from a reputable clinic. The expertise of a hair transplant surgeon is a mandate to achieve your desired outcome.

Kaayakalp has a team of the most renowned hair restoration specialists. They are experts in the field and have a proficient skill set. Dr. V. S. Rathore, leader of the team, has been doing hair transplants since 2003.

The dedication of the entire medical and non-medical staff at Kaayakalp has helped it secure the position of the top hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.

Book your appointment today for a safe and guaranteed procedure.

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